
This page collects answers to questions that are frequently asked by people new to HostingFest. The hope is that by including the answers here, we can make it easier for you to get started.

From where can i upgrade my account and how much will it cost ?2018-10-23T13:28:16+00:00

You can upgrade by login into your client area and give the order of upgrade/downgrade of your product, and upgrade is free only the cost of the package will apply

Will HostingFest place ads on my website ?2018-10-23T13:31:55+00:00

No, Hostingfest will never place ads on your website.

Since How long HostingFest been in Business ?2018-10-23T13:32:54+00:00

We are running Hosting since 2004, For more information Please refer to your About Us Page.

From where i can open a ticket ?2018-10-23T13:33:49+00:00

You can open the ticket by hovering over the Support menu or by visiting http://manage.hostingfest.com/submitticket.php

From where i can find the Knowledge Base?2018-10-23T13:35:13+00:00

You can find the Knowledgebase by visiting http://manage.hostingfest.com/knowledgebase.php

What kind of payment do you accept?2018-10-23T13:36:21+00:00

We accept Visa/MasterCard/American Express/Discover, PayPal, check, money order, MoneyGram through 2CheckOut.

Which Kind of Hosting Do you offer ?2018-10-23T13:37:04+00:00

We offer Windows Hosting as well as Linux Based Hosting.

Which Windows Servers Do you offer for web hosting?2018-10-23T13:38:27+00:00

We offer Webhosting in our windows 2008 / 2012 and 2016 servers.

Are there any setup fees for Web Hosting?2018-10-23T13:39:16+00:00

No there are no hidden fees for Web Hosting.

Which Control Panel do you offer for my Web Hosting?2018-10-23T13:40:47+00:00

We offer SolidCP for 2008/2012 and 2016 Hosting and Cpanel/Whm Accelerated for linux hosting

How will i be billed?2018-10-23T13:42:19+00:00

It is depended upon your billing cycle, which can be on Monthly, Quarterly, Semi Annually, Annually. Depending upon the order you gave.

How long can it take for my order after payment?2018-10-23T13:43:09+00:00

It can take upto 15-30 minutes after payment, but it can take more time if the payment processor has detected any fraud order, so we advise you to not to use any proxy or VPN or using wrong address/contact information while ordering.

Do you offer Shell Access or Remote access to servers?2018-10-23T13:44:07+00:00

No, Due to security reasons we don’t over remote access to shared hosting and reseller hosting clients, we only allow VPS customers to Remote access to their VPS.

Can i purchase additional diskspace/bandwidth ?2018-10-23T13:44:54+00:00

Yes, For details please look it on the shared hosting and reseller hosting page.

Do you offer 99.9 uptime guarantee ?2018-10-23T13:46:15+00:00

Yes we do, if we fail to achieve that we will give you partial refund. Please check our privacy policy for more details Click here.

Do you allow adult contents on your servers?2018-10-23T13:46:54+00:00

No we don’t allow adult content on our servers.

Which mail port can i use in email software?2018-10-23T13:48:03+00:00

You can use port 25, if it is blocked by your ISP then use port 26.

Where is your datacenter Located?2018-10-23T13:49:37+00:00

Our Data center is located in Los Angeles USA.

Can we resell your packages?2018-10-23T13:50:15+00:00

Yes, you have to notify us about this to arrange custom pricing.

How can i change my billing cycle?2018-10-23T13:50:52+00:00

For that you have to open a ticket with us, Our staff will change it for you.

How can i check my invoices online?2018-10-23T13:51:35+00:00

You need to login to your client portal located at https://manage.hostingfest.com

Which Database you currently support?2018-10-23T13:54:21+00:00

We support MySQL 5.1/5.5 , Microsoft SQL Server 2005/2008/2012 and MS Access.

How can i run mail function through my script?2018-10-23T13:54:55+00:00

You can use mail.server in your scripts for that purpose.

How can i connect to mysql through my script?2018-10-23T13:55:25+00:00

You can use mysql.server in your scripts for that purpose.

How can i connect to mssql through my script?2018-10-23T13:56:03+00:00

You can use mssql.server in your scripts for that purpose.

What is VPS Cloud Hosting?2019-06-03T10:40:17+00:00

VPS Cloud hosting is the latest form of hosting that has become extremely popular over the past few years. The main concept of cloud hosting is “Divide and Rule method” – the resources required for maintaining your website are spread across a cluster of servers that work together, termed as “the cloud”. This greatly reduces chances of any downtimes in case of a server malfunction.

What is the difference between Cloud VPS and Shared VPS?2019-06-03T10:52:17+00:00

When a VPS is hosted on a single server, the website is placed on the same server as many other sites, ranging from a few to hundreds. Typically in this setup, all domains share resources, such as RAM and CPU from the same server. VPS Cloud hosting, on the other hand, offers nearly unlimited ability to handle high traffic spikes. On Cloud, your VPS is hosted not only on one but on several servers connected to work as one. Your websites don’t depend on only one Server– even if one server is inaccessible, the Data is retrieved and processed by the other available servers with no downtime.

How Reliable is your Cloud Hosting?2019-06-03T10:51:43+00:00

Our Cloud VPS offers high reliability. Your cloud Sites on a VPS automatically distributes three mirrored copies of your data across multiple devices to ensure safety and protection. The website is hosted on a virtual partition which draws its resources, such as disk space, from an extensive network of underlying physical servers.

What is the limit for additional CPU and RAM?2019-06-03T11:05:23+00:00

Upto 16 GB RAM and 8 cores can be added with any VPS Hosting Plan with additional cost, Kindly contact support for that.

Is Upgrade/Downgrade possible?2019-06-03T10:57:49+00:00

No, an upgrade or downgrade is not possible between the plans. However, you can purchase additional RAM and CPU cores as per your requirement.

What is your backup policy?2019-06-03T11:03:34+00:00
You are responsible for your backups and web content. We create our own monthly backups , and can restore your VPS content from those per your request. However, this is NOT a procedure you should rely on to keep copies of your content safe; we recommend you make your own backups. You can take a backup from your cPanel or better, use a remote backup solution, installed in your VPS.
Is there a Money Back Guarantee?2019-06-03T11:04:29+00:00

Yes, we do have a 30 day Money Back Guarantee associated with Cloud VPS Hosting.

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